Church Staff

Accompanist- Dr. Izumi Kashiwagi

Choir Section Leader- Abby Carlson

AV Tech Professional- Lauren Beck-Porterfield

Sunday School Teacher- Milena Cho

Nursery Teacher- Tiggy Swallow

Pastor- Rev. Joshua Yee

Music Director- Dan Doctor

Director of Children and Youth- Molly Hill

Office Manager- Linda Delarosa

Building and Grounds Manager- Miguel Guerrero


Ruling Elders

Dave Sargent
Clerk of Session

Mike Albert

Jenna Yee

Evelyn Chidsey


Janet Reid

Robin Fernandez

Dave Sargent
Building and Grounds

Jan Gardner


Carolyn Liesy

Jane Terry

Bob Terry

Ramona Pei

Murni Lubis

Giselle Nunez

Karen Rauch

Matthew 25 Movement Pledge:

"We pledge to stand with and defend the vulnerable in the name of Jesus."


Mobilizing the church in service to the world

With so many injustices, small and great, across the world and right at our doorstep, what are people of faith to do? What if Christians were to shape their social justice efforts around the implications of the truth that God is real and Jesus is risen?

The Matthew 25 Movement is a growing national coalition of over 200 churches and Christian organizations who have committed to standing with vulnerable communities in the current fluid political climate.

St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church has made a pledge to stand with and defend vulnerable communities.


Looking to find a church in your community that welcomes LGBTQ into the full life and participation of the congregation? St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church is a More Light Congregation and is committed to full inclusion and welcome of all God’s people.